I had fully woken up by now, finding it hard to stomach the fact that the dictator is finally dead. But what followed across different set of news channels was myriad of reports, feelings and sentiments across the world. While CNN was very prompt to highlight the “celebration” among “shias” in Michigan, the Indian channels called up “Imams” and “Moslems across Hyderabad and Lucknow” they even called up “Mahesh Bhatt” and asked for his feelings on same.
And quite puzzling was they called up to know views from the Marxists- why didn't they first call up the president or the prime minister or cabinet ministers rather than feeding the people with news from only one section of society?
Let's forget this , lets not waste time and thoughts on Marxists- who have been the biggest villian for India and Indians( I am exempting Bangladeshis here ,LOL ).
It is exciting to watch that public have access to views crossing borders and beliefs,which was missing at times when I was growing up. We were all hooked to DD-1 and the AIR for news.
Saddam was officially Dead today, His hanging was just a ritual, the despot had lost all his masculinity the day he was pulled up from his hole.At this point of time when Pakistan is expressing solidarity with the Baathist voices “warning of more terror attacks against US and non-Muslim interests”, it is terrible to keep oneself mute and watch silently more painful terror strikes and counter-strikes. 3 aspects are crucial for understanding the situation now and action there after.
- First and foremost,Saddam no doubt had been wronged, he could have been tried by international court rather than that set by puppet regime, and should have been hanged openly rather than in darkness. The entire fashion of trial, sentence and execution carried away at a pace and stealthily had added suspicion to people’s mind. This is one of the mistakes which would not only jeopardise the achievements of peace keeping force at Iraq but also pose danger for secular(sorry Moolahyam singh yadav would say "un-Islamic " )interests. Any legal system of world ( except India, here we think hundred times before allowing Afzal to be hanged, who is the mastermind of Terror Attacks in Parliament or allow Abu Salem, the dreaded gangster who robbed many lives by executing Bomb blasts, to contend for election), would have found him guilty and have him awarded harsher punishment.
- Secondly and the only brighter side of story is that,the world has one less “Dictator”. Saddam, a despotic leader who was hated more by his own people than others,got the perfect justice for his tyrannical "mis rule " that existed on the Arab land for two decades. Did IBN7 or Sahara channel forgot to highlight the modern Hitler’s atrocities against the “Kurds”, His war against Iran and incursion in Kuwait? Why does he still deserve sympathy from Imams or Moslem world? That’s an interesting question, which leads us to the final aspect.
- Pakistan and “imams” across South Asia, see Saddam’s Execution as a platform to add momentum to terror campaign. They are labeling the execution as “Anti Islamic “just to ignite more young minds against anything which doesn't follow the protocols laid out by the "Taliban". The startegy is to pull the gullible youth to their dreaded madrasas or terror camps, feed them with more manipulated facts, brainwash them to make them another Afzal or Dhiren Barot.
The last point is the most crucial after effects of the execution.I would suggest Sahara and NDTV to consider this before thrusting the microphone to the “maulvis” who see nothing beyond religion for it is their bread and butter, the hatred which incites more hatred and thus the vicious cycle gives them the opportunity to be in focus and enjoy the importance.Lets not fall victim to the wanderers,lets be more vigilant in coming days to thrash the people bent on following their crazy,unbent,blind and merciless campaigns against humanity. Osama and millions like him out in pakistan and hidden in our countries survive on terror , lets snatch this very life system away from them.