As I lay in my bed ,tossing and turning around , laden with sparks of unchained thoughts (not ideas)and incoherent ,like me (Thoughts maketh a man ) .I started focussing on only one ,in this darkness .
It has made life "colorful" .It has divided people.It has been the sole reason for world not being bipolar .I mean world divided into 2 parts .Black and White .
I can't bear the life of being color blind now ,as i had tasted (sorry for the correct incorrect english usage ) one with color.
Its a scientifically proven fact that some animal ,like Bull ,are color blind .So the very notion that they get attracted or rather irritated by RED color is baseless.They understand and are disturbed by the movement and other stimulli though .
Color ,has partioned the world .I am brown .The country to our north (like China ,korea) have yellow colored people .The irish are also called red heads ,not only because they have bundles of anger contained within them ,but because their hairs are so .Blondes ,naturall or artificial ,would have never been in news if there would have been no color .
Apart from skin and hair ,eyes also are colored .
Anna Kournikva ,my ex ,had blue eyes .Blue eyes are common to Aryans ,so found mostly in Persians ,Europeans .Infact many Europeans are born with blue eyes but they change the color with time (I was always born with brown eye and still retain it ) .
Majority of people in world are born with brown eyes . I remember ,I did change my eye color once .When i was thrashed by my papa once ,I got a black eye .Black eye are common among indian subcontinent and africa ,though am not sure ,if they are regularily thrashed by their papa.
Elizabeth Taylor has violet eyes ,another rare variety of eye color .
Am planning to get rid of specs and adopt a tricolor contact lens(saffron ,white ,green variety..for those who cant see the middle color here ,its white .. ).
Men for generations have been falsely accused of being color blind.
You would find ,the greatest painters,had been all men.I know
what is RED ,what is GREEN ,what is BLUE ,what is YELLOW ,what is BROWN and what is CRIMSON .Its only that I mismatch names with them .But that doesn't mean am color blind .Its just like I know what is house ,I just go to different house every night .
But I dont always juxtapose colors with subject .I know SUN is RED when near horizon .It is like that because it is farthest to earth at that time ,RED scatters least and hence it is that light which reaches our eye .This is also called Rayleigh Scattering .
Violet ,Blue are acattered most by Nitrogen and Oxygen ,the principal constituents of our atmosphere ,hence this is the color that appears on our sky during day time .
The fact that RED scaterrs least ,is the reson ,why it is employed in traffic signalling .Danger is forcasted by this color .Blood in humans are RED ,one color ,doesnt matter what race/country/religion/status/sex/how many times sex/sanity/time zone/political party to which we belong .Even the Indian politicians have blood and its red in color .I would just love to see it outside their veins .
I dont like RED as much as BLUE .It has been a natural choice to me .Most of my shirts and pants are BLUE ,light BLUE ,lighter BLUE or lightest BLUE .I guess most smart people love BLUE color .The primary colors(you cant make these colors out of the rest ) are BLUE ,RED and YELLOW. Yellow is sign of melanchony ,RED is too violent ,What remains is the Koolest one .
I share my favorite color with color of Sikh religion .Most of the widely followed religions of world are divided in colors .Hindus is to saffron as Islam is to Green or Red is to Tibbetean Buddhism as White is to Christanity or Black is to Pagan .
Blue is also the national color of Israel .The only time ,when i wont be in blue is when am in Russia.
By the way ,Indian Cricket team has borrowed this thought from me and they are sucessful ,off the field though.The invaluable lapis lazuli is blue ,IBM is blue ,oceans are blue ,parrots are blue ,lions are blue ,elephants are blue ,you are blue ,i am blue ....ohhh !!! sorry i think monday blue is catching me ,so signing off this post with smiles and wishes to all ....