well 13th May should be a wake up call for the Indians , who have comforted themselves with the thought that the only disturbing elements across the border is on the west of us... Long debated and long known but supressed fact that million Bangladeshis staying illegaly and more hidden in the country is a serious national threat ..
Be it Delhi , Mumbai or Lucknow these ( bangladeshis) populate with an intensity that would rival the cockroaches and pests.. and yeah they are that kind..
If one looks at the list of refugees being sheltered in India, Bangs are the only leeches. We have had the Tibeteans who have assimilated with our cultural fabric and our strength , the nepalese who protect our households , its only the bnags who earn here in India doing all the odd jobs , and who shamelessly support activities which bring calamity to the nation ... little wonder that their sins are answered by the yearly cyclones that ravage and rape their lands ... and we still give them the needed medical aid and help..
HuJI should be delighted that we have leaders at helm of affairs who invite , patronise and lick the boots of Bangs coz they are major votebank now .. The credit for this goes to the Left government ( which ofcourse is never right) led by Mr. Jyoti Basu and now equally capable Mr. Buddhadev Battacharya ....
Wish we could pack these guys in train and dump them back to place where they belong,,