Can't stop appreciating the work of that ENERGY which has been so persisitently doing this work for zillion zillion of years .The revolving of earth on itz axis, itz "parikrama" around the sun ,the change in shapes of moon ,the time periods of commets ,the monsoon ,the seasons....All these great work being done in so unpretentious way ..I mean who has got so much stuff in him to do these great works silently ,for years and still continue to do that .MARVELLOUS ...
And me,though am part of the same elements have been bored in such a young age .Feeling vaccum ..
Have been resoning out why one feels the EMPTINESS ... even when he is in a crowd ..No not crowd for crowd may smell unfamilarity ,sense of hardness and indifference . This feeling of being nothing occurs even when he is among well wishers and when he is partying around ,he is F***ing enjoying his life in booze ,music ,disc ,good food ,money ,pleasant happening company .....Does loneliness mean more than what it is meant ?? Probably so ..i believe this loneliness is a state when you dont have vision in life ,when you are stagnant ,when you dont exercise and stretch your pia matters .. have no purpose . Life ,human life is blessed thing ,and one should utilize it 200 % .Do something which will make u immortal ,which consumes your valuable time only to return something more .Am restless .But where should I divert my actions ??May be i will jump into some activty for my country men ,for kids for humankind .But what ??? Thatz a question which I have been pondering all these years .What am I capable of doing ,which will benefit the less blessed ??....
And I have spent one more day ,on this beutiful planet ,in music (what else ...But for a change I heard Hindi songs today ) and movies.Heard Sonu Nigam (for those who are unknown to him ,he is a melodious Indian singer ...). Listen him ,doesnt matter if you cant undesrtand lyrics .The dimension of music doesnt need words ,itz not restricted to zones .
I also watched "The Good,the Bad and the Ugly " ..Very Fundoo kindaa movie and especially the music and Clint Eastwood .The movie which is mother of so many movies ...
And I watched "Bridge on Rivefr Kwai " too .Itz a treat to heart .
And tomorrow is the day I hate most .Tomorrow I have the maximum work load .Doing a highly prioritised activity ,and all eyeballs on some one carrying the image of "more wronged than being wrong " ,through out the day ....u have all reaons for panicking .But I have burried aside all hollow criticisms.I will give my best tomorrow...I know I can do it ....So chill
And now bye bye ..my BLOG ...
GOOD Night
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