The reaction to call of Bandh by Jammu for allotting just few plots of land for Amarnath Pilgrims ( so that they are safe and in less danger of being the perfect dartboard for Islamic Militants) came as burning and stomping of tricolor yesterday, chanting the "pro-azzadi " slogans in a more defiant and hoarser voice, the call for march to Muzzafarabad or aligning with Pakistan and of course turning a blind eye to all the benefits they enjoyed while being part of India.
In 60 years of their association with India - Kashmir and their people have enjoyed the following a) A Rule that no one could buy land in the " paradise" . But they could venture to any part of country, study, work, buy land and settle down.
b) 15 years ago when I was still at school - Rice @ Eastern part of India ( where Rice was cultivated) was available at price 3 times more than in Kashmir and it is still the same.
c) Almost at same time, the Islamic militants backed by Let and ISI from across the border, raped, looted, massacred and drove away their Hindu Brothers from the so called "Pure Land".
To diagnose the situation its essential to know the history of Kashmir. Centuries back it was a Hindu state which had large number of Hindu institutions and it was the way of life for the people there. At time of Ashoka, Buddhism got an official patronage and then Hindusim coexisted with Buddhism. The Buddhist touch could still be felt in areas of Ladhakh.
Then came the Islamic onslaught. Let it be known that Hinduism followed in Kashmir was inclined towards Shaivism ( a cult whose main religious deity was Lord Shiva) and they all belonged to same caste / jaati. So all the logic that Islam got accepted because it was away from caste system ( which is not true ) is erroneous. Islam got accepted mainly because of governance and slaughtering. The power of sword and doctrines. On one hand there were frequent raids by Islamic bandits, who forced the Hindus in kashmir to choose between pride, honor, peace, power versus religion/ belief . This was when few Hindus, started a new sect, called Khalsa( sikh sect) to protect Hindu women from being looted from the homes to harems. ( Pity the kashmiris we know now are fighting from that side which had inflicted these wounds on them)
Secondly, mughal emperors who were fascinated by the beauty of Land and used it as vacation spot, doctrined the infamous rule " No one could buy land in Kashmir other than Kashmiris " , acted as a catalyst to the mass conversion. The last powerful mughal emperor - Aurangzeb- was more vehement with Islamization of Kashmir. He imposed taxes on non believers ( Hindus, Buddhist) coz he believed any other definition of God or his teaching other than what Muhammad the prophet has spoken is heresy.
With British Rule( though visibly Kashmir was under Hindu Prince), things got stabilised. But then partition happened and rest is what we have been witnessing. There has hardly been a Kashmiri who has done India proud. But they have been great with bombing their own country men and demanding more and more. The time has come now, when we should leave them for good.
The ideal solution is , as Mulla from Jama Masjid says, yet another partition of India. Let us get an Independance from Kashmir but that should come at some cost. Let Kashmir take all muslims from India.
Lets have a fairer partition this time.