For zillion long recorded years, we know, that the tussle between the domination of “Uncertainty” over “man’s refusal to be what he is, or to accept things as it is “, has become bloodier with each wave of assault.
So mankind, the ones that go to school and get good marks, believes that Uncertainty is ignorance and everything happens for a reason, and these mini clones of “ Einstein” formulate the problem. Dissect the formulae in known and unknown, and then conquer the road to unknown step by step.
But for hundreds of others, who get rebuked and labeled as dumb, fully agree that
“The only thing which is certain is Uncertainty”. And since last week I have been become more vehement supporter of this other camp. The newly injected momentum happens because of triggers of events that unraveled at office since last week.
December, 15th, 2008: According to popular belief “the most widespread disease is not Jihad but Monday Blues”. As I was still beating the Monday blues with the third cup of coffee, news walked in, at the cafĂ© that MY BOSS HAS RESIGNED.
While lot of surveys says, that these news, bring smiles, for me the state of affairs, were contradictory. My Boss had been more of leader than a manager, who inculcated in me, and replicated in me, his unfettering enthusiasm, motivation, creativity, and absolute dedication towards work and team.
How could one predict this event? BOSS had been busy actively promoting the new projects, working on existing business plans and reinforcing the customer support since last day. He was in mid of discussion with me regarding initiatives close to his heart. And for past few weeks, he had been engrossed working late night, on an all important, IT strategy framed for the organization. Was it then the right time to quit? Was it then the right way to quit? Was then the Quit unplanned? Shouldn’t then the Quit have been known to people who would be affected by it?
I no longer needed the Coffee, now that I was awake and bleeding within. And it was then that the unremitting confrontation with uncertainty dawned upon me. It was so much unexpected and recursive spiral of a volley of further uncertainties, of different hues, crisscrossed, that I was lost in its translation, like a clear drop of water gets in a turbulent ocean.
SO while I munched the news that Boss could be putting down the papers, along with the now cold Coffee, a thought strayed my mind, of reasons that could have made this happen. Was it the BOSS of BOSS, was it the call from home which got louder, was it the lure of living abroad, was it the dirty politics that engulfed the board room here, was it the team which he lead, so many uncertainties, so many more questions and yet no answers…
There was a BITTER revelation that an uncertain, higher up in the authority, had been taken aback not by losses suffered to department but by recent spate of success, secured by my BOSS. How could you define those learned morons, then? Pathetic? Yes to some extent. But even pathetic has some stability. You expect pathetic from pathetic, but these bunch of graduates from top consulting companies, were fake, and had the shade of pathetic, camouflaged with suave-the depoliticized look.
It was SPICY to learn that further dissection of the issue revealed that the race for the post of next man to lead, was heating up among, friends of yesterday, and that their PR lobby was working round the clock, to devastate the other. So the last week saw lots of discourses, meeting the common folk program initiated by the level A managers, lots of fake smiles being showered, and scores of other signals which reflected sudden change of heart and character.
The sham week was overkill, and generated more confusion, questions, than ever before. All those happy memories that were long preserved were awoken by circumstances, and the uncertainties have turned them sour. Was there any “Team spirit” in real? Did the higher ups really live by the principle and values? Do they really lead? Do they have work ethos?
So I fiddle with these questions, and some day, I might get a chance to encounter the truth, but the whole week had driven me one short message” we don’t live around uncertainties, we live in it. “
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