Whatz life wihtout STRUGGLES ?without FAILURES ??SOLUTIONS exists because therez PROBLEMS. NIRVANA is not going to jungles ,to ESCAPE from TROUBLES but to face them ,to carry on when all around you are going against you ,to stand up staright when there is volley of misfortunes,to have that NEVER SAY DIE attitude , a SPIRIT which doesnt break up .You may win ,you may lose but if you dont face the situtation you are doomed.Thatz your KARMA .Thatz the path 2 MOKSHA.
Saturday, August 06, 2011
Friendship Day .. over the years and for times to come
Monday, May 23, 2011
Vacuum Really sucks
The first cut gushes out the stream of blood to a foreign environment- and that’s when it is the scariest most and post that blood gets used to it … “ yeah am flowing out .. going down the drains .. but so did the blood stream before me “ quips the “ not the first” stream of blood..
And as more blood oozes, the pain remains and mostly aggravates but then no one can take from the first stream the degree of scariness.
As I place myself in a quiet corner of quietest but extravagant restaurant in town when the city is maddening with celebration, meeting endless near and dear ones, exchanging wises and gifts, illuminating the sky with fireworks and adding to noise by choicest of firecrackers… the loner me , feels so left out. Yeah had been lonely but this is the first time when it is striking me so hard same way as when blood is let out … and am in pain, a terrible pain …
Next Diwali or next touch of this feeling might not be that painful and I hope that …. But the current one is just slicing me .. “ what’s the point of being through this ? “ , “ could I have avoided this ? “ , “ oh god! Have mercy , don’t pain me that much “ … “ am I through or is the degree of torment still left ? “ …
I am not answering these questions , and probably could not .. but am just not waking up to answer it .. am so much down with the pain ,, I know where it hurts, how it hurts, why it hurt but have surrendered to the inaction,, cant do much about it …
But then wait !! am I that deep in pain ? Definitely not , am probably enjoying what others are aspiring ..Freedom … treating myself at the best place.. this shows am not so helpless and I will fight back !!
Hope is a bastard. It doesn’t know which strand of DNA formulated it. Is it from the hopelessness all around or is from the hope that hopelessness all around, is at its tipping point.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Salsa fever grips . is it just a fad ?
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Bliss of Staying in Delhi
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Footsteps on the shore
those frail impressions etched on sand
the clock ticks - the wave rushes to shore
wasnt strong to hold the wave - the impressions live no more
demand complete surrender of whatever it marches across
and though it might sweep over those frail impressions by night & day
they could not win it all- for they could not swipe the memories away
( Will miss Mumbai and amazing friends that I had made here... Sayo nara)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
The sound of Broken Dreams
Thursday, January 06, 2011
Mumbai Marathon( Jan-2011) - Different from rest and an awakening

Having participated in the earlier version of this marathon - I recollect the vibes around. The mood of most here is more of brushing shoulders with the CEO and make the most of Elevator ( sorry marathon ) pitch, more to do with reconnecting and linking with the honchos for a Board membership position, more of catching a glimpse , managing a talk while walk with the skimppier struggling stars, carving out an an occasion to get to dine with the Filmstar .. ...
Not that these are ugliest thing in world but these are definitely hollow to your claim to be part of delivering the intended message for the marathon. The voices out of those marathon were – who the f*ck cares about those Kenyans( those kaaliyas are morons and blind to the Camera , very unlikely to be the media magnets, hence no point being in their league.) The crowd has a point. Who remembers the winners of these marathon all that survives in this mayhem is the sweaty T-shirt of the Page3 regular.
But negative attracts the negative and leaders with such corrupted intentions percolate the same downwards. So the ex- CIO lusts to meet the CEO , the VP designs to meet this sick CIO, the GM keeps his balls ( eyes , and rest) fixed to the VP, the Manager hopes to make the most by shadowing the GM.. and so on .. The whole team is running on an intention still riveted to the office and negativity (building and reaping favoritisms, devising politics) .
Examine more and you would find the best place to keep your foot on ground , to retain your sanity and not let you be carried away in this wave of ‘run for office politics’ , is to be part of marathon , to contribute to it , to deliver the message and at same time staying away from these materialistic mongers .. Be the behind the screens person, this marathon and make a difference. Be the Volunteer and wish that Sanity and Chastity ( SC) returns to these kind of events.