2 weeks into the Business School and nervous system already feeling the rush of adrenalin over and over again.
12 Quizzes, 5 Assignments, roughly the same number of workshops and classes extending for 8 hours a day..Sometimes pouring into Monday‘s and late nights …..I am really amazed by what one could perform when placed in a situation where there is one and only one option left. It was just the transition was so huge over such a small period ( I quit TCS just 2 days before I took a flight to S.p.jain Dubai). It was like waking me up from a pleasant slumber, putting me in a flight without the time for buckling up my seat belt and left to feel the intensity of change in momentum.
But I admire myself and so would most of my friends out here, since we took care of the situation and did things as demanded. Now we are getting used to the hectic (this would be an understatement)life here. We prepare for 30 page- chapter quiz – almost daily on the bus to school and something in us, makes us do as good or as bad as the rest of lot. Is it the idea of teaching us to excel – when thrown against unreasonable deadlines?
We already completed Organizational Behavior (OB), Financial Accounting and Communication classes and they were enlightening and fun. Life had been hectic and loaded with studies, but that hasn’t yet deterred us from indulging in fun. The cruises and shopping spree have become the luxury and so we are hell bent on making the most of it. The cultural event was a show case to identify the budding singers and star performers, also a nice platform to interact and network with the alumni. But not to forget – is the typical Mumbaiya attitude towards life at hostel – Live Life coz you live once. But most of the times, when we are immersed in the lighter moments, we have been suddenly jostled out of the merry making by Kathy’s mail in the middle of night –Promising us more classes, assignments and quizzes – the next day.
As an instance the FA assignment was hoarded with us for long, when we suddenly reality deflated the spirits. Soon we would get the acts together, regain the compose, collect and brainstorm with friends, discuss assignments over the hoarsest of home made coffee realizing that all the while the rest of world has slept, went to deep slumber and woke up to new day and we were still fighting to give our best for the best presentation . And when I look back at this with eyes drooping to need of sleep and body – mind aching for the urge to take rest, deep down there is an unusual pleasant feeling rising within. Wasn’t this – the life I had ordered? I find myself like Robert Frost did, walking on the road of Life when I suddenly came across a junction, where I had 2 options .
A) Road usually travelled by others, comfortable zone and less of risks. Getting promoted for nothingness and just because I consumed the time seating at that location .Waiting for things to happen around.
And b) the other was a road less travelled, brimming with lots of challenges and unknown risks.
But I had the urge to not to get lost in crowd and be exemplary and I chose the road less travelled. And now I am on that trail, the mission to be what I thought I want to be , I know I want to be and I believe I must be.
12 Quizzes, 5 Assignments, roughly the same number of workshops and classes extending for 8 hours a day..Sometimes pouring into Monday‘s and late nights …..I am really amazed by what one could perform when placed in a situation where there is one and only one option left. It was just the transition was so huge over such a small period ( I quit TCS just 2 days before I took a flight to S.p.jain Dubai). It was like waking me up from a pleasant slumber, putting me in a flight without the time for buckling up my seat belt and left to feel the intensity of change in momentum.
But I admire myself and so would most of my friends out here, since we took care of the situation and did things as demanded. Now we are getting used to the hectic (this would be an understatement)life here. We prepare for 30 page- chapter quiz – almost daily on the bus to school and something in us, makes us do as good or as bad as the rest of lot. Is it the idea of teaching us to excel – when thrown against unreasonable deadlines?
We already completed Organizational Behavior (OB), Financial Accounting and Communication classes and they were enlightening and fun. Life had been hectic and loaded with studies, but that hasn’t yet deterred us from indulging in fun. The cruises and shopping spree have become the luxury and so we are hell bent on making the most of it. The cultural event was a show case to identify the budding singers and star performers, also a nice platform to interact and network with the alumni. But not to forget – is the typical Mumbaiya attitude towards life at hostel – Live Life coz you live once. But most of the times, when we are immersed in the lighter moments, we have been suddenly jostled out of the merry making by Kathy’s mail in the middle of night –Promising us more classes, assignments and quizzes – the next day.
As an instance the FA assignment was hoarded with us for long, when we suddenly reality deflated the spirits. Soon we would get the acts together, regain the compose, collect and brainstorm with friends, discuss assignments over the hoarsest of home made coffee realizing that all the while the rest of world has slept, went to deep slumber and woke up to new day and we were still fighting to give our best for the best presentation . And when I look back at this with eyes drooping to need of sleep and body – mind aching for the urge to take rest, deep down there is an unusual pleasant feeling rising within. Wasn’t this – the life I had ordered? I find myself like Robert Frost did, walking on the road of Life when I suddenly came across a junction, where I had 2 options .
A) Road usually travelled by others, comfortable zone and less of risks. Getting promoted for nothingness and just because I consumed the time seating at that location .Waiting for things to happen around.
And b) the other was a road less travelled, brimming with lots of challenges and unknown risks.
But I had the urge to not to get lost in crowd and be exemplary and I chose the road less travelled. And now I am on that trail, the mission to be what I thought I want to be , I know I want to be and I believe I must be.
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