Monday, December 15, 2008

Flavors of Uncertainty

Generations after Generations, right from time man discovered (and not invented) fire and invented the use of stones to hurl at animals for protection and attack, have learnt , corrected, learnt. One of the learning has been in areas of Uncertainty.

For zillion long recorded years, we know, that the tussle between the domination of “Uncertainty” over “man’s refusal to be what he is, or to accept things as it is “, has become bloodier with each wave of assault.

So mankind, the ones that go to school and get good marks, believes that Uncertainty is ignorance and everything happens for a reason, and these mini clones of “ Einstein” formulate the problem. Dissect the formulae in known and unknown, and then conquer the road to unknown step by step.

But for hundreds of others, who get rebuked and labeled as dumb, fully agree that
“The only thing which is certain is Uncertainty”. And since last week I have been become more vehement supporter of this other camp. The newly injected momentum happens because of triggers of events that unraveled at office since last week.

December, 15th, 2008: According to popular belief “the most widespread disease is not Jihad but Monday Blues”. As I was still beating the Monday blues with the third cup of coffee, news walked in, at the cafĂ© that MY BOSS HAS RESIGNED.

While lot of surveys says, that these news, bring smiles, for me the state of affairs, were contradictory. My Boss had been more of leader than a manager, who inculcated in me, and replicated in me, his unfettering enthusiasm, motivation, creativity, and absolute dedication towards work and team.

How could one predict this event? BOSS had been busy actively promoting the new projects, working on existing business plans and reinforcing the customer support since last day. He was in mid of discussion with me regarding initiatives close to his heart. And for past few weeks, he had been engrossed working late night, on an all important, IT strategy framed for the organization. Was it then the right time to quit? Was it then the right way to quit? Was then the Quit unplanned? Shouldn’t then the Quit have been known to people who would be affected by it?

I no longer needed the Coffee, now that I was awake and bleeding within. And it was then that the unremitting confrontation with uncertainty dawned upon me. It was so much unexpected and recursive spiral of a volley of further uncertainties, of different hues, crisscrossed, that I was lost in its translation, like a clear drop of water gets in a turbulent ocean.

SO while I munched the news that Boss could be putting down the papers, along with the now cold Coffee, a thought strayed my mind, of reasons that could have made this happen. Was it the BOSS of BOSS, was it the call from home which got louder, was it the lure of living abroad, was it the dirty politics that engulfed the board room here, was it the team which he lead, so many uncertainties, so many more questions and yet no answers…

There was a BITTER revelation that an uncertain, higher up in the authority, had been taken aback not by losses suffered to department but by recent spate of success, secured by my BOSS. How could you define those learned morons, then? Pathetic? Yes to some extent. But even pathetic has some stability. You expect pathetic from pathetic, but these bunch of graduates from top consulting companies, were fake, and had the shade of pathetic, camouflaged with suave-the depoliticized look.

It was SPICY to learn that further dissection of the issue revealed that the race for the post of next man to lead, was heating up among, friends of yesterday, and that their PR lobby was working round the clock, to devastate the other. So the last week saw lots of discourses, meeting the common folk program initiated by the level A managers, lots of fake smiles being showered, and scores of other signals which reflected sudden change of heart and character.

The sham week was overkill, and generated more confusion, questions, than ever before. All those happy memories that were long preserved were awoken by circumstances, and the uncertainties have turned them sour. Was there any “Team spirit” in real? Did the higher ups really live by the principle and values? Do they really lead? Do they have work ethos?

So I fiddle with these questions, and some day, I might get a chance to encounter the truth, but the whole week had driven me one short message” we don’t live around uncertainties, we live in it. “

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Obama's speech on winning the election

Hello, Chicago. If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.
It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference.
It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states. We are, and always will be, the United States of America.
It's the answer that led those who've been told for so long by so many to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.
It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this election at this defining moment change has come to America.
A little bit earlier this evening, I received an extraordinarily gracious call from Senator McCain. Senator McCain fought long and hard in this campaign. And he's fought even longer and harder for the country that he loves. He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine. We are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader.
I congratulate him; I congratulate Governor Palin for all that they've achieved. And I look forward to working with them to renew this nation's promise in the months ahead.
I want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart, and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of Scranton ... and rode with on the train home to Delaware, the vice president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden.
And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years ... the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next first lady ... Michelle Obama. Sasha and Malia ... I love you both more than you can imagine. And you have earned the new puppy that's coming with us the new White House.
And while she's no longer with us, I know my grandmother's watching, along with the family that made me who I am. I miss them tonight. I know that my debt to them is beyond measure.
To my sister Maya, my sister Alma, all my other brothers and sisters, thank you so much for all the support that you've given me. I am grateful to them.
And to my campaign manager, David Plouffe ... the unsung hero of this campaign, who built the best _ the best political campaign, I think, in the history of the United States of America.
To my chief strategist David Axelrod ... who's been a partner with me every step of the way. To the best campaign team ever assembled in the history of politics ... you made this happen, and I am forever grateful for what you've sacrificed to get it done.
But above all, I will never forget who this victory truly belongs to. It belongs to you. It belongs to you.
I was never the likeliest candidate for this office. We didn't start with much money or many endorsements. Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington. It began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston.
It was built by working men and women who dug into what little savings they had to give $5 and $10 and $20 to the cause. It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation's apathy ... who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep; from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on the doors of perfect strangers; from the millions of Americans who volunteered, and organized, and proved that more than two centuries later, a government of the people, by the people and for the people has not perished from this Earth. This is your victory.
"I know you didn't do this just to win an election and I know you didn't do it for me. You did it because you understand the enormity of the task that lies ahead. For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime, two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century.
"Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave Americans waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan to risk their lives for us. There are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after their children fall asleep and wonder how they'll make the mortgage, or pay their doctor's bills, or save enough for college. There is new energy to harness and new jobs to be created; new schools to build and threats to meet and alliances to repair.
The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even in one term. But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you, we as a people will get there.
AUDIENCE: Yes we can! Yes we can! Yes we can!
OBAMA : There will be setbacks and false starts. There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president. And we know the government can't solve every problem. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. And, above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation, the only way it's been done in America for 221 years _ block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand.
What began 21 months ago in the depths of winter cannot end on this autumn night. This victory alone is not the change we seek. It is only the chance for us to make that change. And that cannot happen if we go back to the way things were. It can't happen without you, without a new spirit of service, a new spirit of sacrifice.
So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility, where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other.
Let us remember that, if this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers. In this country, we rise or fall as one nation, as one people. Let's resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long.

Let's remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the Republican Party to the White House, a party founded on the values of self - reliance and individual liberty and national unity. Those are values that we all share. And while the Democratic Party has won a great victory tonight, we do so with a measure of humility and determination to heal the divides that have held back our progress.
As Lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, we are not enemies but friends. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.
And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices. I need your help. And I will be your president, too.
And to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand.
To those who would tear the world down: We will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security: We support you. And to all those who have wondered if America's beacon still burns as bright: Tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope.
For that's the true genius of America: that America can change. Our union can be perfected. What we've already achieved gives us hope for what we can and must achieve tomorrow.
This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight's about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election except for one thing: Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old.
She was born just a generation past slavery; a time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky; when someone like her couldn't vote for two reasons _ because she was a woman and because of the color of her skin.
And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in America _ the heartache and the hope; the struggle and the progress; the times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes we can.
At a time when women's voices were silenced and their hopes dismissed, she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reach for the ballot. Yes we can.
When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs, a new sense of common purpose. Yes we can.
AUDIENCE : Yes we can.
OBAMA: When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness and a democracy was saved. Yes we can.
AUDIENCE: Yes we can.
OBAMA: She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that We Shall Overcome. Yes we can.
AUDIENCE: Yes we can.
OBAMA: A man touched down on the moon, a wall came down in Berlin, a world was connected by our own science and imagination. And this year, in this election, she touched her finger to a screen, and cast her vote, because after 106 years in America, through the best of times and the darkest of hours, she knows how America can change. Yes we can.
AUDIENCE: Yes we can.
OBAMA : America, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do. So tonight, let us ask ourselves _ if our children should live to see the next century; if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, what change will they see? What progress will we have made?
This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment. This is our time, to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth, that, out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope. And where we are met with cynicism and doubts and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes, we can.
Thank you. God bless you. And may God bless the United States of America.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Crime of being Inert

Once upon a time, when Britishers ruled over India, there came in Indian political stage, a lean man with principles, not totally new to India, " Ahimsaaa". The principle along with the proponent charmed and mesmerised the generation then, and pulled Indians ( well most of them, others belonged to Muslim League), to strive for Independance.
20 long years of shedding own blood with smile on lips and inviting more bruises was ONE of the reason why Britishers Quit. But they Quit not without a price. Partition of India and raping the image of "akhand Bharaat" ( united India) with home grown terrorist ( Muslim League). The creation and thus existence of Pakistan and with that troubles to entire world( be it lynching in their own state of East pakistan, spreading terror in India and fueling/funding/supporting hatred in name of religion in the whole world).

"ahimsaaa" was a great mantraa but overly used by Indians since then. Remember Britishers quit India for reasons more than Ahmisaa. If you are still clueless go through pages of history of Europe during that period.

The phillosophy of "Ahimsaa" which allowed repeated harvesting of Hindu pride, wealth and life in villages of Bengal and Sindh didnt move the people at top of the helm, why should it do to Mr. Nehru, neither was his kin killed nor was his wealth usurped. I guess Mr.Nehru was cumming of accolades for being the guardian- the next avtaar of MK Gandhi.
So he allowed the minorities to prosper at cost of majorities and that has been the DNA of his legitimate / illegitimate /50-50 children so far.. and the political party of which he had been the flag bearer.

The recent bomb Blast in Assam was not a shock. The state has been allowed to breed home terrorist, thanks to faciliating porous border so that men in beard and skull caps could drive in with their scores of kids along with their dozens of wives, to the border districts and breed. For them there is nothing beyond religion, and it takes a maulvi or a video or even their holy book to know about Jihad as it is known today and do what they do today - " be merciless and bomb , your own country" . They realise that the action for them would be rewarded both at "jannat" and while they suffocate the Kaafirs here .. For they would get virgins to fuck around at "jannat" .. all thanks to Prophet for he could arrange the same.. and here in India, there are the politicians who would beg for their mercy and cry if a bullet is fired to them .. call it Batla house encounter in which one of their mujhahideens was killed, or even deciding whether to mr afzal who master minded the attack on seat of the democracy of india. These myopic votebank crazy politicians have a problem of Alzeihmer when they also find that nation lost a hero in form of "Mr sharma" from Delhi police n that encounter.. why shouldnt they.. for if mr.politician talks about that ... he not only loses votes from the immigrants but also the "muslim bhaais" of these immigrants.. so more encoragements to these acts of terror aka jihaad follows and therez more of welcomed migration towards India.. and the vicious cycle..

Only few things could possibly stop this now.. AWAKENING of the countrymen and RETALIATION..... two strong but needed action..

Saturday, August 23, 2008

India needs freedom from Kashmir and not the vice versa

The reaction to call of Bandh by Jammu for allotting just few plots of land for Amarnath Pilgrims ( so that they are safe and in less danger of being the perfect dartboard for Islamic Militants) came as burning and stomping of tricolor yesterday, chanting the "pro-azzadi " slogans in a more defiant and hoarser voice, the call for march to Muzzafarabad or aligning with Pakistan and of course turning a blind eye to all the benefits they enjoyed while being part of India.

In 60 years of their association with India - Kashmir and their people have enjoyed the following a) A Rule that no one could buy land in the " paradise" . But they could venture to any part of country, study, work, buy land and settle down.
b) 15 years ago when I was still at school - Rice @ Eastern part of India ( where Rice was cultivated) was available at price 3 times more than in Kashmir and it is still the same.
c) Almost at same time, the Islamic militants backed by Let and ISI from across the border, raped, looted, massacred and drove away their Hindu Brothers from the so called "Pure Land".
To diagnose the situation its essential to know the history of Kashmir. Centuries back it was a Hindu state which had large number of Hindu institutions and it was the way of life for the people there. At time of Ashoka, Buddhism got an official patronage and then Hindusim coexisted with Buddhism. The Buddhist touch could still be felt in areas of Ladhakh.

Then came the Islamic onslaught. Let it be known that Hinduism followed in Kashmir was inclined towards Shaivism ( a cult whose main religious deity was Lord Shiva) and they all belonged to same caste / jaati. So all the logic that Islam got accepted because it was away from caste system ( which is not true ) is erroneous. Islam got accepted mainly because of governance and slaughtering. The power of sword and doctrines. On one hand there were frequent raids by Islamic bandits, who forced the Hindus in kashmir to choose between pride, honor, peace, power versus religion/ belief . This was when few Hindus, started a new sect, called Khalsa( sikh sect) to protect Hindu women from being looted from the homes to harems.
( Pity the kashmiris we know now are fighting from that side which had inflicted these wounds on them)

Secondly, mughal emperors who were fascinated by the beauty of Land and used it as vacation spot, doctrined the infamous rule " No one could buy land in Kashmir other than Kashmiris " , acted as a catalyst to the mass conversion. The last powerful mughal emperor - Aurangzeb- was more vehement with Islamization of Kashmir. He imposed taxes on non believers ( Hindus, Buddhist) coz he believed any other definition of God or his teaching other than what Muhammad the prophet has spoken is heresy.
With British Rule( though visibly Kashmir was under Hindu Prince), things got stabilised. But then partition happened and rest is what we have been witnessing. There has hardly been a Kashmiri who has done India proud. But they have been great with bombing their own country men and demanding more and more. The time has come now, when we should leave them for good.

The ideal solution is , as Mulla from Jama Masjid says, yet another partition of India. Let us get an Independance from Kashmir but that should come at some cost. Let Kashmir take all muslims from India.

Lets have a fairer partition this time.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Random Judgement

The only thing that is predictable is unpredictableness - this could well sum the jist that

Randomness reins and rules

Right from the genesis of world, where determinism is facing a recognisation crisis -to the science that we know now as science - to the belief that tomorrow we would see the sun rise from east .. all events are unpredictable..
Clearly Aristotle would have believed that Earth is Flat , only to be proved wrong by the Rennaisance age rebel thinkers , who denounced the Catholic belief and declared " Earth is round" ..
Aristotle and Greek phillosophers voices were ebbed only to be revived but by economist of todays who proclaim that with Globalisation Earth is Flat.. so we are at what we were .. but we have been in a roller coster ride more like a sine wave ...
this is the power of science and human limitation .. we are and all our thoughts are so much UNPREDICTABLE ..
What else is predictable ?? Lets examine their truthness and sanctity ..
Google "predictable" and you would land up in the POP band from Australia with similar name rather than events which could be classified remotely as PREDICTABLE ..
so why is then the Fuss over how things should be tomorrow leave alone talks of when one is 60 or so ??
Why cant the idea of living in present and learning from past be the sufficient qualifying conditions ???

Well one Accounting Genius says .. that predictable things exist and they are ones which are PRACTICAL .. :) so the obvious question would be then what is PRACTICAL ??
simple .. things which are predictable !!! ( hair pulling definitions )

So you see all those who keep on barking on why some are not predictable could take a lesson on how he/ she is in state of oblivion ...

Ever confused ...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

POOR Song ( a tribute to all those fellas who should never pen a poem)

We all are poets .. the question is how good..
but as usual .. I damn care about the other million peoples wishes and do what it needs to be done .. do what I think should be done .. so here is the poem dedicated to me :)

Penned it when I was on a terrific academic form ( scoring lowest marks) at college
I am going nowhere, lost in the thoughts and lost in translation
the winds blowing so strong feels that am loosing the ground
with shaky feet I tread on the road so desolate with faces all frowned
the vision gets blurred with every hour,the beats get dimmer faster than I could hold
I shout I scream and cry for the guidance
the voice still seems to get lost in hollowness enveloped
scarred to tread myslefwith chains so heavy wrapped around and lofty spirits forced to ground
pulling me inwards softly whispers the voices aloud
I cry and now I know this is not the way I want things to end
So i bury myself while the rest are dancing around
and then come out loud and strong
promise myself that i would sort the things and break apart from the mound
sounds crazy but it always has to be crazy to make it look apart

Friday, August 08, 2008

Alumni meet: Meeting in PRESENT with the PAST to decide the FUTURE

Being at cross roads of Time is always interesting .. like dreaming about how things would change at your graduation day at the first day in your college , or how YOUR kids would look like when you have just started dating your ( or some one else) girl friend .. or for that matter enjoying the deja-vu when you watch kids playing in rain and wished that you could return to the careless world , long to drive the time machine in reverse gear and be with same set of friends.....Sadly Science has taken a back seat in this case.. its all the mind game when it comes to meeting the time at its various stages..

so trying to brush the crap aside.. Last week ( well almost the last ) , we had this Alumni meet
" thrown" at us.. The first impression when we got the news from the 2nd (.. wait .. 3rd .. no no .. 4th )hand about Alumni meet @ SPJCM @ mumbai was Unplanned, Rushed in and a meeting befitting the underworld for it was so much hidden and less known about..

Call it being jobless and almost useless after my office hours, call it the lust for free booze, call it the meet to know profs in a decorumless environment and call it meet to meet some special bunch of old friends who bore the torture at campus with me for a year ... it was all that
Plus I was not at home cooking (thatz the most sensible thing I do after work) making some one else's dinner one more time pathetic...

So Steeeled was I in for the meet that the pouring super rains could not deter me same time .. one of my good hearted friends was kind enough 2 let me hop in along with him in his car for the meet.. After this event .. Almost evry odd obstacle fell apart..
I need not worry about the turn out at the event for I had atleast a company of 4 ( that many ppl were in the car), no more worries on ruining my new shoes in rain or hopping around cabs/trains/buses to reach the place.
At the end, I felt, the meet would have been worth even with these obstacles. The meet was plain .. devoid of glitz which normally accompanies Alumni meet .. less of borrowed/imported good looking girls on stage( in fact there was no stage .. the room was small ..akin to what we see in TV .. the ideal meeting room for Revolutionaries.. small .. chairs all around .. and less of windows or glassy doors). The only thing that would widen your lips was the sight of Carlsberg.
But the fun was more than that .. I reconnected with my old friends.. friends who were limited to few lines on chat windows.. .friends boxed in adress book .. whom I never called just because I didnt knew what to talk .. friends who were around while I was hunting for them in all scientific manners.. The meetz focus revolved around future of college and how alumni could do and should do things.. it was quite a realisation ( and special thanks to Carlsberg for that) to find that indeed I had done a Time machine ride..

Being with old friends, now , to talk about our future..
What a Cross Road Sirjiii !!!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Fear Factor @ LeT- A definite Flop

July 25, Bangalore blast followed by July 26, deadly serial bombing at Ahmedabad should have, as per intention, reduced the rush and traffic across the country, but what might make the terror minds look helpless is that we, Indians, are so resilient. We always come back stronger and act defiant to your thinking. Something wrong with your thinkin stupid Arabistanis( I have named those South Asians who have given their hearts, heads and bumps to Arabia, they are proud of being associated with nefarious thoughts of men from those place, who make them and their thinking, governed by dikats originating from sandy dunes of Arab world).

The terror attacks were carried out by Indians on India, to devastate their own country men with whom they have shared a table in some restaurant, or walked under their umbrellas when it rained or were waved and greeted by kids when they might have zoomed off across some small towns or villages.

And while the blood that they spat across the “aam aadmis” concerns of security, there were fresh threats ( although some were adolescent hoaxes) of continued attacks “ any where any place any time”, should have put any individual at back foot. Basically what the “religious and pure war(jihad) governed by wishes of GOD, declared by some individual in caves of Arabia in 6th century, and monopolized by him and who ever else self declared himself to be ulema, thought that lives, even innocent ones ( a 6month old torso was found shredded in the blast), are the right of them, and their doctrines. Any undoing or any scope of divergent thought should thus be condemned by means violent or super violent ways.

The aim was thus to terrorize people so much so that Thoughts are not free, and becomes remote controlled by bearded, illiterate, cavemen of our times living in Pakistan.

One of the prominent tribe that has emerged out of this infamy is government sponsored organization called LeT ( Lashkar e toiba), itz definitely a lashkar but thatz it. An organization, which brain washes gullible youth in name of Allah, which is reputed for cases of sodomy and promotes reaping of “izzat” of kaafirs ( one remembers them for their scared rape of hindu women at Kashmir), and which insists “hindus, jews, Christians, Sikhs and even few Muslims like Ahmadiyas, need to hear them, need to follow their rules, else their right to live and smile should thus be snatched.
so what sustains and feeds this jaundiced tribe ??
While the faceless government of Pakistan had always been denying their links with the terror organization though they did the same when Kargil happened and when Indian mission in Kabul was bombed (there is official unbiased evidence of same), they are the support system for this filthy group of people. Cash, Hashish, Arms, Information and human bombs are facilitated by the central command of Pakistan, the task left to these Let is to just hunt for moles in India.

Sadly, India has them in millions. They are either products of their heritage which are settled across the border, or impostors who pose as pseudo secularist or some misdirected teachings at madrassas or they are just the product of nothingness.

These are the real ammunition and these are which helping terror penetrate, and become more and more deadlier, more and more fearful and common.
These are creating new episodes in terrorism. Brain washed and blinded they are clueless even when they are blowing themselves up in schools and malls. If this has to stop, it will stop with cutting the supply of these ammunition to foreign hands.

If terrorism ever gets a punch down knock it will come from India because India has naturally supported diversity in endless years of civilization and so one channel thought would simply never do, simply never gain ground.

Add to this agonies of India, we simply cant sit down and repent. We are progressive. We might live or not live to see the other day, or we might not be even able to comment on same when we board the next train/bus/ flight, but what we know for sure is that in home to millions, these activities are so minute, it would only take “ koi aapna like jaichand or mir zaffar” to make us surrender, and we know we are strong enough not to let that recur.

Independent and united India, will thus be the tight slap across Taliban and Let and all illegitimate sister organizations. What we should therefore ensure is that common man or aam admi should join the fight against terror. To suffocate the brains of those who are looking for something evil and hideous.

Vande maatram
And Jai Hind.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Piss off

The other night i was still in a 3 hour long meeting and could not leave the board room coz business means business but then there are something of unquestioned priority. A call of nature ( pissing off) is just one of them. tried to capture my feelings when submission to that evoked poetic feelings within me.
So Strong you cant thrust
Emotions gets metamorphosised
The body sinks and relives
With pulses of sanity paralysed

Eager to lose
To let it go from you
Coz losing now means winning
Wininng yourself for you

Heads scream out
Thoughts catch fire
Buckle seems unbearable and
Actions go haywire

At the end when it wins over
For surely it will, you die or breathe
The storm inside exults out
Dishonoring you with the tiny watery wreath

doesnt rhyme , sound great but who bothers about it when you are in that state.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Another Terror struck and still government is numb - It happens only in India

well 13th May should be a wake up call for the Indians , who have comforted themselves with the thought that the only disturbing elements across the border is on the west of us... Long debated and long known but supressed fact that million Bangladeshis staying illegaly and more hidden in the country is a serious national threat ..

Be it Delhi , Mumbai or Lucknow these ( bangladeshis) populate with an intensity that would rival the cockroaches and pests.. and yeah they are that kind..
If one looks at the list of refugees being sheltered in India, Bangs are the only leeches. We have had the Tibeteans who have assimilated with our cultural fabric and our strength , the nepalese who protect our households , its only the bnags who earn here in India doing all the odd jobs , and who shamelessly support activities which bring calamity to the nation ... little wonder that their sins are answered by the yearly cyclones that ravage and rape their lands ... and we still give them the needed medical aid and help..
HuJI should be delighted that we have leaders at helm of affairs who invite , patronise and lick the boots of Bangs coz they are major votebank now .. The credit for this goes to the Left government ( which ofcourse is never right) led by Mr. Jyoti Basu and now equally capable Mr. Buddhadev Battacharya ....

Wish we could pack these guys in train and dump them back to place where they belong,,

Thursday, April 17, 2008


10 months.

10 months it all took to change the career path, the suffix hunted by men/women in their quarters or so to look for something sizzling and better in their professional life, to get into more business oriented debates in Monday morning (than changing a piece of code , at an outsourcing hub), yeah it just took 10 months to earn a MBA degree.

So now as I stand in the trails of time and look back I find tectonic shift from what I was. And I might not have done that in style. I was the last to get clearance from our dean to leave the campus officially, but that's a lesser acknowledged credit.

I am surprised by pace of GMBA and the ferocity through which we went through – truly it had been a rigorous and enlightening program. At same time I feel that we could shape the program better in ways more than one.

I would love to see the following changes in GMBA

  • The College Board has intellectuals but it would be good to have people from industry, example CEO / CFO / Regional Head in it. These people from industry would be a cushion in case the placements get a shock as we did last time.

  • Also these people should be spread out, from offices in India, Singapore, Kula Lampur, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sydney
  • We could start even with smaller companies but ensure that placements are distributed. The more it is, the less it is polarized, and lesser is impact of shocks in industry.
  • The college lacks a synergy between two batches spread across either sides of India. There should be a time, may be 7 days when we should have interaction with one another. Why can't we organize an event over the web – to stimulate collaboration?
  • We lack an event, which would enhance our reputation across different colleges. Events like MeX-Z should be promoted in a bigger scale.
  • Have more interaction with colleges in Singapore and Dubai – may be monthly event where in we pull in participation from both these cities to our college.
  • Organize a social program through our college. A community service based program to gain appreciation of locals. We have done nothing for locals so far.
  • Have more international faculty and students- Students from Malaysia , Philippines , Indonesia, SAARC countries could absorb placements in Dubai which come in volumes and get rejected by lot many of us since most of us feel culturally unfit for that place. Also this would spur placements from South Asia region.
  • Have more diversity among students and observe group dynamics.
  • Maintain strong alumni contacts
  • Have more practicality in courses. Instead of teaching Supply Chain management over slides and letting us know more about crates and trolleys, students could get more knowledge if an industry visit is made to offices of Cosco and PSA.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The sweet sour moments

For last few days I had been trying to feed my eyes a little more, capturing the soon to be history for me .. I want to relive these moments again when I "think about it" some day in future ... for these are precious. I am going to miss the people around me, with whom I had this "fight for and fight with" relationship , but most importantly tied together for 10 months of HELL ( well I would call it a easy MBA some day in future.. but when you go through that process , it was like ajourney through the Black Hole).

And now as I see these days sweeping by calenedars, I am afraid to lose the company I had in the campus. I would miss the classes, the antics that were played, the huge bunch of friends who accpeted my antics with smile.. I would surely miss the abuses that were showered upon me, they were such a part of my life.. I would miss to hear 5 or 6 voices screaming at me .. but who really missed the same bugging antics of mine when I was down ..

I would miss the assignment pace and the bondage that we shared when we were part of group.. We might have been the best of enemies but I was amazed to see voices of support from the same block when I was in their team..Isnt that cute ??

I wont be scampering and pulling some onez hair at a cafetria, at the Reliance office , nor would I have the liberty of forcing people to appreciate my deadly PJ's...

On the same breath, the volley of assignments would no longer ruin my smile and I hope not to digg for metal pieces to pay for the bill at resturants.....

I could only capture the footprints of these times and wish to have a look and reflect upon some time soon

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Itz HOLI again , so Grasses are Blue and Skies are Green :)

March 23, 2008: It was the same piercing sun rays which stung me up from slumber and I grumbled, moaned, cuddled, balled, kicked and then jumped out of bed. This was the way it had been happening since last few days as we had a week off here at SPJCM.

I just looked up to those murderous sun rays, but it was welcoming. Things at least looked different today. The rains were uninvited, unwelcome and dampening ( woww, what else could you expect out of them) since they had been ruling here for couple of weeks. It took time for me to realize that this was not the morning but after noon and today was Sunday when the canteen has something special – The chicken Biryani.

I wasted no time and botherations, so I headed straight for a shower and was all ready to have my lunch which I had been skipping so often these days. I “escalated” down ….and “ferraried” to canteen when the world suddenly turned “red” for me. Moments later, I got to know that I have been hit by, the very first, dose of “gulaal”. It was HOLI !!! and it was being celebrated here in Singapore. I was dragged to its epicenter. Small by looks, but deceptive, it was a 20X10 foot and dug 6 feet down, this place looked a miniature Coliseum where gladiators would fight in ancient Rome.
But this was no Rome, it was India far away from its shores. The mood looked “HOLI-sh” aka “Vagabond-ish”. The stage was decorated with mud, sweets, "pakoraas","thandaai”( Indian sweet drink) and most importantly buoyant familiar unfamiliar( no one looked the same as they were looking then) faces.

The mood was upswing, so I was tossed and brought down into the mud, a gorgeous welcome indeed. So I was now baptized HOLI reveler with mud all across and I was one of their men. This was the beginning, what followed later was group madness, with most of us getting engrossed in hysterical laughing and enjoying the mud bashing, occasionally intervened by sweets and “thandaai”. I remember the last time I had HOLI in Mumbai, and I was not able to remember much, blame the “thandaai”:) . This one was memorable too. The mirth was catchy and soon we saw crowd submitting to the madness, Well BONDING was working overtime and I saw in the ensuing madness to escape to the saner world. Hearts down—I was still immersed in thought- it would be tough to uproot again but as they say “The grief of separation is inseparable”, I am sure this HOLI would be tough to forget as had been the earlier ones.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mirage of Nostalgia ?

Like it or not .. I could now hear the footsteps of nostalgia approaching towards me ..

I huddle, I close my eyes.. pretend to avoid it

I remember the older times to over ride the recent past - and its nostalgia

I run away from it - looking for times ahead to come ..

But however hard I try the noise seems to get louder and louder and then intrudes my space

Yeah the nostalgia has finally made in roads .. etched my memories... well i never expected or rather wanted this last year to do more than what it is promised.

The last year ( was it even a year ?) has witnessed a flury of events.. the journey seems to be littered by memories you cant just brush aside..Here are few of them

  • The annealing of close buddies

  • This is interesting : I forgot getting ECNR done and get this NIRVANA when am at the Q to board the plane to Dubai - had to rush to get it done- book tickets and travel to Dubai all alone

  • The airport at Dubai - the first look at it and you are floored .. but am not even enjoying it since I am absorbed in deciding whether to go to hostel or to college - remember am all alone in the journey

  • Land in the hostel only to find that my room has been swapped

  • Wake my roomies at unearthly 4 in morning then rush for college at 7 in morning

  • The induction and intorduction was pathetically boring and I was really distressed

  • The first brush with what was going to last forever - the " herd mentality" on way we did our readings and also on how we tackled assignments

  • The uninvited class representatives

  • The marketing assignments where we did less and less with more and more

  • The funny quizzes

  • The frenzy of cheating

  • The birthday bumps

  • The monoolized market of ghasitaram is brought to an end by Skylers and then series of new caterers and then all collapse

  • The eateries nearby

  • The barren land of Dubai with man made beauties

  • The SGP - a truly global one -- did the business entry plan for a company based in malaysia in dubai market with indian team members and chinese mentor( who was based in singapore)

  • The torture en-route to collegge ( am talking about the bus ride) - the problem with timings, drivers, schedules, numbers and accomadation

  • The best part of Dubai - meeting a fellow indian/pakistani cab driver and travelling along with him

  • The other half of story begins in singapore -- for IT its more likely to be over then

  • For IT - singapore was never a part of curicullum - we hardly had classes

  • The "firaang" prof and how we shamelesslly cheated - then stood by our rogue gang to beat the existence of honesty

  • ERP vs BPR -- The biggest confusion.. who is who ? Some one blurted out answers of ERP for a BPR question

  • Something like IT strategy dawned to us and we could go nothing beyong mugging up details

  • The placement nausea --the preparations for the same .. LOSE LOSE situation

  • The placement week -- horrors maginified

  • The final YES

  • Coming back to form

  • Safari- Zoo- Sentosa- Reverse bungee and list is still populating ........

Monday, March 10, 2008

Talking motivation is cheap, because supply exeeds demand

Motivation is the most widely exploited and abused noun in the B school Campus. "Motivation can help you scale the greatness...." , " Motivation is the savior for companies filing chapter 11" .. "Motivation differentiates men from boys".... and on and on..

We see this word popping out of the unprepared teachers and ,fillers or nervous punch liners, for students who are, jostled up from their day dreaming, to answer any random question/debate being discussed in class. Surprisingly there has been no element of surprise in these magic word laden , weary sentences ,being applauded all the time.

I had watched this word with mysticism, awestruck, as much as ( quoting Siddhu) " A kid in topless bar" , and could not fathom the hollowness ( read depth) of this impostor ( I mean the word " Motivation")

So, I am here at one of the most conflicting events in the GMBA history. After months and months of imposed laziness, ( we had holidays for more than 3 months now), the IT batch is being dictated to be caged in 4 walls ( and of course leaky stingy ceiling) of LC1 and LC2 for rigorous 10 hour/day class ..and this is the time when I am missing the word , I am used to hear so much, but never beleived in its credetials or even itz existence. Yes, you guessed it right... its the word "Motivation" . And as all staunchest of atheist ditch their camp in bad times to turn to "till then non existent--- GOD" , I am also loooking for the divine MOTIVATION.... to help me break from the shackles of laziness to the rigor possesed by the Finance Batch- who claim to be busy in classes 24 * 365 .

But however hard i might try to pray for it ...the "darshaan" of MOTIVATION has not been there ...and the wait continues ....

Friday, March 07, 2008

Koffee with Suman

There is something mystic in Koffee - no its not the aroma or the taste or the brand by which it sells - its the history that envelopes it. Time and again - this bitter berry has been in limelight for instigating and provoking thoughts which have stopped time - made a mark and then allowed the almighty time to roll on.
Look back and you would find incidents like

1. The shutting down of Coffee shop at College street in Calcutta because it was turning out to be an amalgamation for rebellion . This coffee joint was hanuted by
Subhash Bose, Rabindranath Tagore and revolutionaries.
2. This place turned out to be churning out eminent writers and poets, when it reopened. Satyajit Ray, Manna Dey, Mrinal Sen, Aparna Sen got most of their inspirations while idlying on the chairs and sipping coffee over here
3. Bob Dylan started his career by singing in the Coffee shop

all these are just the tip of iceberg of what talks and thoughts around a Koffee table have done.
I might be sounding a advocate for Koffeee but there is something in the caffeine content which stimulates the grey cells or is it the relaxation of the other wise busy nerve endings - when we patiently relish the cup of coffee that has made the difference ?
So much so that in some corner of world - Koffee precedes deals and plans , as an instance in Arab world - one has to have the bitter Koffee which they call "gahwa" before inking a deal and denying the same would offend the host.
During the Civil war - Koffee was the breakfast, lunch and dinner - for Union Army , so much so that the soldiers would often chew these beans because they didnt have time to boil water and their rations were all blocked by the Confedarate Army.

There is some charm about Koffee -a tinge of rebellion. Am not sure if I am concluding this because I found coffee shops as meeting point for rebels or that the history over coffee is higlighted by wars that followed over it. But am not alone in this thought process. This seemingly innocent drink was banned several times - mostly because it was perceived to incite rebellion.
It was banned by Ethopian Church and also the Ottoman empire.

But we could relate these acts to more of frustation , where they could only punish coffee when they could not get hold of the rebels. So its more of a regressive behavior, akin to the way in which some toddlers start hitting themselves when denied of their demands.

But one thing that I could not help noticing was that coffee has become a great leveller and so are coffee shops. Imagine being at a typical coffee shop and you could end up sharing the table with a Jew, hindu, muslim or christian, talking on various subjects. And this has been the genesis of thoughts that we have been talking about.

Surely there is lot of storm brewing over the coffee cup.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

A great Day has arrived......

I havent waited more anxiously for this day ever
At same time I wasnt sure if the day would grace me .. I was waiting for it like sailors long to see the land .. like the parched earth, which is assaulted by the hot summer sun , waits for the first showers...

And some one rightly said, you get it when you need it most.
The placement week had started and I had been preparing for that week since a year . The night outs , the snatching of hours from sleep for studies, the immersion in books than in boo*s, the abstinenance, the focus kept alive amidst the volley of distractions all around.... all of these were with one purpose to be what I intended to be - on one lonely winter night back in 2006.

The goal of graduating from a B school and realising the same by getting into a job carved out for the activities that i went through during the process, was stronger and it grew more stronger day by day

So when the day dawned and calender read 25th February, I was all agog. I began the day by sleeping .. coz TCS - the company of my dreams awaited me in the morning and I was bracing to be at my best.... The preparations were the best I could muster ... and nothing now could improvise it .. I missed few mock exams and interviews .. blame them for (---- no we pick up this topic some time later ---)

So as I cuddled myself in the arms of sleep - I was already into it when i was awoken by some one pushing me hard enough to jostle me up from the slumber and throw me from the bed..
Seems YES bank had something to offer for me .. i turned around and found that history read
25th March: 01: 30 A.M

The drama went on for quite some time and then i decided I would not get what I had been waiting for, though the reward of turning away from TCS and accpeting YES bank offer , was outstandingly lucrative ...

so I said NO to YES bank and then went back to sleep... woke up .. the day was bright... reflecting my hope and I was so impatient to get into TCS that I rushed to the interview sooner than needed.. Was 2nd one in order to be interviewed. and then hell broke looose..

TCS was unwilling to accept a TCSer -I was the one who had been weaving his dreams along with TATA'S vision and had been giving his best all the time at the school just to make it a better more competative corporation ..

But then fate and more than that Mr. Ameya @ TCS played foul and I was not picked up ...
A shock encompassing mental and spiritual domains .... I could not answer the "why " of it ... even after hours of introspection ...

4 days went by -- whirlwind and slowest at same time .. Could not seep into my own self -- was detached and smile seemed to evaporate from my face ... Appeared for few companies -- Reliance being one of them,,,,,,

But the placement week was about to end .. and nothing had paid off ...
The doors were closed for CTS, CEB, HCL, Wipro, Satyam and am still counting ....
The results of Reliance was not out and sometime I was toying with the idea of joining the Infy BPO...
But then as the day ended on 29th Feb .. the spirit inside me was all soaked... it was spineless and was seething for mercy and hope ..
Hope was the key word.. it was not visible and vibrant but gave the strength to keep me in sane limits .. the voice to fight and keep the momentum on was alive ...
Nonethless one could not but surrender to the gloom --- the friendly concerns were there but little could they do to revive me ...

I slept like a log on the week end (29th Feb ) and then woke up ... zombied with the idea to go to PSA to have some decent food .. and I was at downstairs waiting for the group to assemble when the news for which I had a hopeless and seemingly endless wait, happened ..
I had been selected by Reliance and in a moment the me - was back in form ...
The wait, despair, hopelessness, fear was so much laughable .. but I knew when you are in .. you dont seem to realise the same ..

This was the most deseparate moments of my life and has taught me one great principle " Never ever to set a journey with out a plan and back iup .. Adventure and Thrill are sometimes less wanted and career path is one such journey where I would now let my head rule rather than heart " --- The lonely winter night of 2006 had injected in me a huge drive to move on and reach a lofty target -- but how and why was never planned , and I was wild enough to set for in the journey ---- " Will I do it the next time ??? " No says my head and heart ( and it is very rare to see them in unision ) but who knows what would they dictate some day later ....

Also memories, I believe, is like Vision.The nearer they are the larger they seem. So this moment migth go down as the most memorable/ most challenging times I faced/ most waited moments/ most cherishable moments.. soon to be dwarfed by something which happens in future.. The event in future might not be as grand as this is .. but certainly the proximity would give it an inflated look .. so till that moment arrives .. let the aura remain ...

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Is the Phoenix Dead ?

Itz long since I spoke .. silenced by muzzle of pre conceived notions on actions I do or rather I am supposed to be doing ( when my thought process might not have strayed in those narrow lanes - they have carved out for me ). I had given up to their clamorous voice though inside me wanted to break free and roar out, what I went within. But then its over - coz the more you bend - the more people would crush you under their heels, just to make them appear taller and yes they were very much using my mental corpse as a pedestal to their pompousness and hollow pride.

Then it dawned upon me - that it was just not worth it - it didn’t solve my purpose or the groups purpose in a long run. My life had SPJCM had just started taking the colors of happiness and somehow I was trading my pain of being separated from close buddies at TCS to the new place. Suddenly the strange faces started hovering around, meeting them over the coffee cup or sharing the lunch plate or immersing in pain and smiles... suddenly things started becoming rosier..

That you become more - that you become known - to yet another soul in the world is always a nice feeling and here I was among sea of people. I started casting away the serious- professional image to some one more friendly and personal. Thought that they are my own- a corner of their thoughts are for me - who would understand me or make an attempt to understand me , get guided and guide me, spread few smiles and be a part of me ( more than the list in orkut or myface or linkedin) and for some time the things around me, bolstered my points. But then again I was wrong.

It all started with an anonymous mail, intended to spread more smiles than pain, but it was from some corner of brain which was never mine. I was branded of course but I decided to ignore the same but with a smile for giving them a reason to smile and drain from them ( even if a grain worth) worries and pain. The innocent smiles diffused from innocence and friendly to being indifferent to being irritated to being obnoxious. All thanks to trail of mails which grew more scandalous- uglier one after other.

So it was yet another night, when the crooked mind, the unknown was in action while rest of the sane world was sleeping and he did something which people only with no other better things to do in life and psychos could have pondered about. It created ripples and sadly they were all directed to me. All thanks to the mentality of some who judge only by preconceived thoughts born out of
fuzzy logic + grapevine + ratings they set for glamour + $%@#%^%#$^%$$% ...

I am not sure what they think of - and how they think of --- least of my botherations....
Least of my botherations??? No .,,, at least what followed after the mail .. I would not believe in that. For it was such a madness which ensued... The sea was against me .. I was washed with dirty accusations, dripped in views and and flooded with skewed categorizations - all for nothing I had role in....

And the ramblings grew, mushrooming from unimagined corners, hoarser, caustic and from people whom some time back I had thought were those who are a part of me .. Would listen to me ... the silence was demanding.. it was time to shut up and be in a shell, least u hurt them who were still dear to u.. time to vaporize the miles ...and stich lips to pacify their grins...and so I lay myself dead... a corpse whom u could walk over and step over to reach the place u want to ..

It was all right, It was all okay ... but then it was too much ,, when you are still blamed on and on,... it was probably too much of the assault or something in me which faded the images that I had created for them, that I woke up and have decided to speak up.. to be what i was .. and not be what they had boxed me in ...
Amidst all these torrid times, I realised it later, I stood not alone ,, there were cushions, supporting souls and I thank them for it was them who made me realise I was not alone .Yes I could fight back- I had started being deaf to myself -being dead within and it was in this paralysis of reasoning that I had forced myself into, that my nouvea friends injected in me a rejuvination.

so bbye bbye corpse and sorry chaps ( for those who want me to be the punching bag) I would be spoiling your expectations....... coz " I am back " and Like it or not " I m back here to be what I am and want to be " .....