Saturday, April 14, 2007

Dubito ergo cogito; cogito ergo sum(I doubt, therefore I think; I think therefore I am)

I have been a huge fan of Hinduism not because I was born Hindu, but as I grew up, I realized that I was blessed to be a part of that ocean of knowledge, which has been promoting exercise of intellect for centuries, which has not only been providing solace to some one lost in the dilemma of “Karma” versus “Maya” but shaping up the world and allowing peaceful existence with others but most importantly ruling yet not dominating the world. Buddhism is of course the brain child of a Hindu prince, who is even considered to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, and all the intelligence that Western world seems to derive from the Buddhist monks in China or Japan, owe it to the scriptures mostly unwritten but hugely understood, here in India.

But I am not fighting for Hindu Dominance at this stage. The world is already divided in this issue. And I would be more of a villain in my pseudo secular country, if I say that half (read most) of the world’s problem is due to one FORCE (not religion) which is nascent (compare a 1000 years with something which has no beginning), was born in caves of Arabia, in a mind which was certainly thinking more about spreading their belief with sword rather than convincing the lost ones and which sees nothing beyond hijacking free will, belief and thought. But at this point, I don’t have the intention of bleeding and insulting the myopic “intellectuals” and “The Indian media”, which vehemently aids this FORCE, even if that means playing with national and social security.

I was talking about lots of sense (I am not using the word Science here since Science would be too low word for It.) in the belief of Hinduism. I was particularly attracted by the essentiality of knowledge of GOD, SOUL and COSMOS, preached in Hinduism and the hunger to know more on these has what actually propelled me to question and find answers for lots of things which till date remain unexplained and make mockery of human evolution and development.

Time and again I cross roads with knowing more about the science of “Bio Space” or “Bio –Parallel World” and you might not find this word in dictionary yet, coz the English world still needs to learn a lot from us –The Indians.

To me, science mostly Western Science (who are skeptic on labeling Ayurveda as Science), has done little on knowing the world within and world outside. Forget the very basic question of human existence; let’s question how the world was formed? The concept of BIG BANG is just waiting to be dumped like “Aristotelian theory of gravity” or “Flat Earth Theory”.

To know how BIG BANG is challenged read this article from their very own Scientific American:

There can be no denying fact that Trillions of dollars spent on robots and Space vehicles though have done commendable job have not done enough to answer other popular questions. One screaming among them is “Are we alone in the universe? “. But I want to stretch this question a little more and ask “Are we real? “or “Are we programmed? And being ruled by some other force which we might have not comprehended”, as depicted in the highly popular movie – The Matrix (Read Hinduism reloaded).

I would like to approach this issue with my limited knowledge (being fully aware that much of my views would need correction in some stage. But nonetheless let’s try to make a bold attempt to know the unknown.) by asking some set of sub –questions
a) Why do I think Aliens exist?
b) Why do I think they are more advanced than us?
Why do you think they are already watching us?
c) And why the possibility that they are ruling us, seems not so strange?

A) Why do I think we are not alone in universe or Do Aliens Exist?
These are two similar sounding questions but lot different.

According to Ecology: the definition of alien is (adj.): An organism, especially a plant or animal that occurs in or is naturalized in a region to which it is not native. By this logic, we still have aliens in the ocean floor – a lot of them in ionosphere and may be in the moon surface or mars.
We have to just start discovering them with more powerful sensors and intelligence.

Are we alone in universe? Actually might mean looking beyond the world we inhabit (and presently leading it to point of incorrigible destruction.). My reasons to believe aliens exist are as follows
1. If life developed on Earth because of Water – then by that logic since water has been discovered in unimaginable volumes in interstellar space we might chance to see life developing or life flourishing some where in our own milky way. Even Mars and Moon have water in large volumes.

2.The ruins of Pyramid, the scientific advancement mentioned for lost world of Atlantis, Peruvian civilization and engineering marvels from past - support the view that aliens earlier had visited us when human civilization was in cradles and built these trophies for us.

3.The last but most important reason is Drake’s Equation which is very genuine. Out of the limitless space and trillions of galaxies spread, does Earth seem to be the only one planet where life would exist when parallelism is so much apparent in the universe? Also If splitting of stars into planets and sub planets could lead to formation of Earth then life is being generated in some light years right now.

B) Why do I think they are more advanced than us?

1. Simply, because we have stories or facts which state that UFO’s have reached us and we still haven’t been knocking at their doors.

2. And do you know there is lesser known fact that Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin sensed aliens watching them when they landed on moon. Read this:

3. For a nanosecond assume that we are not alone in the universe. How long did we take to reach space and human cloning after invention of computers? Hardly a decade, isn’t it?
Imagine if Parallel world exist or some world which has races more intelligent than us or which were formed before us. They would have taken the same amount of time. In gist they might be in a platform much more advanced than us.

The Question of why we haven’t met them is yet another different topic which I might pick up some days later (I am on process of reading about the WOW signal and Issac Asimov.)

Now we come to final Question
C) Are we real or just part of the program being run by other entities which see our brains as we see the Pentium or AMD processors running our computers?

My reasons:

1. If sense is what we see, hear and touch then they could be stimulated by computers, so what we see, hear, talk and feel might have been because of bio chemical interactions or Artificial intelligence, programmed behavior or interaction of all these fields.

2. There is no science which cold refute the logic that we are not real.

3. Some unexplained behaviors like Ghost limbs, déjà vu or being driven by unexplained power which our minds still can’t comprehend.

And yeah while writing this very document, my computer got restarted automatically and then when I tried again the windows were not responding, then again some later I got a call from wrong number, which proves that I am not being that paranoid and the agents want this article to be censored. But something in me is what they can never command and that is my conscience which also moulds the thought process, for thoughts are always born free and will be unfetterd unless you want them to be otherwise. Oh, how true was Rene Desecrates - “I think therefore I am”.

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