Friday, August 10, 2007

Moonwalking the thought process

Something happened this week – which were remotely linked to the world, I thought and constructed regarding a B- school, and that too in a one year program. It was holiday for the whole week!

And while I was shuttling myself with detachment and attachment to world around me, a thought occurred to me – I was bothered about the objective which had stirred me to join the business school. And though the clarity had lost its shine over some time, I knew that the primary focus was to learn, teach and learn (in that order) with the people at the school. But what was this learning all about? Are we supposed to mimic thought process of people who changed the world like Strategies devised by Steve Jobs to make an attempt of the unthinkable then – Breaking the monopoly Microsoft, or immortalize Peter Ducker and give him the control to our decisions?

Clearly the idea at B school was not education, but a process which involved reverse learning and looking back at things which have already occurred ( by way of case studies), examining them and dissecting the issues into sub issues and then finding the overall solution for it.

I believe that the B school should be more known for its environment than considering students, faculty, ranking, alumni and dynamicity of curriculum in general. Censoring of ideas or quantifying them would actually mould the way we approach issues. Example whenever we look for marketing – rather than chanting the nice to hear words like CCDS (Create Communicate Deliver Sustain) can we not begin by Communicating then Creating Value or even begin by Analyzing hidden demand for products and then estimate how the product could be sustained, and then Create. Lots of permutation and combination of these parameters, if we even begin start thinking! Or rather moon walking the thought process.


Abinav Kumar said...

err... (embarrased)... the moonwalking allusion is just to emphasize the walk in reverse...right?!

or is there more to it?!

well.. anyway... I agree completely with you...!!!

RA said...

naice!!good one ..